Web Site

Don’t forget to take a look at our web site. There is a new poem and picture of Tucker, and we have added a picture of Twiggy. Now our website has the complete herd listed (except six the cat). My lovely sister, Lynn, wrote the poem and had the picture and poem framed for Bill’s […]

Summer Ranch Schedule

It seems strange to talk about the summer, but around here we have to start preparing ahead of time. Our overnight trips are confirmed as follows: June 6th and 7th June 20th and 21st July 11th and 12th July 25th and 26th August 8th and 9th August 29th and 30th September 12th and 13th September […]

How Can I Help?? – Together We Can Make A Difference

We’re posting this message from our good friend Wendy Wight, Director of Together We Can Make a Difference in Jackson. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2009 — HOW CAN I HELP? • PRICELESS EASTER BASKETS Would you like to be part of the team who helps provide Easter Gifts to all of Jackson’s Nursing home residents? We will be […]

Happy New Year! Check out New Year’s Pics

Hello, friends and family of the Lazy B’s Ranch. We haven’t written in a while because, well, time just slipped away. So, we wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The cold, icy, snowy weather has prevented some “horse play” the last couple of weeks, but hopefully we can get back on track […]

Charity Benefit

Wow! What fun we had at the benefit! Chip and his musicians entertained us with lots of good music. Many thanks to What a Band, What a Band, SUN 209, and The Pounders. Thanks to Chip for putting it all together! We love you Chip!! The kids had a great time being “jail birds”. Thanks […]

Volunteer Opportunities

There are two volunteer opportunities that I would like to pass along to the family and friends of the Lazy B’s Ranch. Equestrian Outreach center is looking for volunteers to help with a program that is helping a group of Jackson teens. This would be on Tues. from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and will […]

Lazy B Work Day October 11

Hello everyone, I just added a link to the photos from this weekend’s activity at the ranch. A great group of kids, excellent volunteers, and really nice weather (especially for October!). We got some work done and had some fun, too.

Kids Explosion

After the first week at Kids Explosion, we are confident we will have another successful session. We were excited to see the same kids returning and also some new faces. We are still in need of volunteers to help facilitate the program. Currently, we have 7 sites that are up and running! Isn’t that amazing!! […]