Monday was our last Young Travelers class. The boys finished up their belts and they really turned out nice. Jalen’s brother wanted to wear it, so he gave him a few bucks! We finished our discusion of the Young Travelers Gift Book with persistence. Somehow the conversation ended up about trusting people and who do […]
March Benefit
Bill started going to area business to help with our silent auction. So far, they have been very receptive and helpful, so I think we are going to have a great selection of items for the auction. If any of our readers have anything to donate to the auction, please let us know. It doesn’t […]
Summer Overnight Schedule
We are scheduling groups for this summer for our overnight trips and only have one available weekend! Wow, things are really moving along here at the ranch. June 5th-6th Available August 7th-8th TakenJune 19th-20th Taken August 28th-29th TakenJuly 10th-11th Taken September 11th-12th TakenJuly 24th-25th Taken September 25th-26th Taken We will be scheduling a horse clinic […]
Spring Cleaning?? Yet??
Well, I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of snow and cold and ready for Spring. We are gearing up at the ranch, and we could use your help! Before you throw away all those used basketballs, baseballs, baseball gloves, soccer balls, board games,crafts, etc., consider donating them to the Lazy B’s […]
Kids Explosion
Kids explosion is back and in full speed ahead. We have seen some new faces, and some old faces return. Bill and I, along with Bob, Pat and, Tracey are working with the kids at Southridge Park on Friday nights. Bill is doing an awesome job getting the games ready for the kids. He has […]
Kids Explosion Pizza Party
For the last two Saturdays, we have had a group of Kids Explosion kids here for a pizza party. The kids won a trip to the ranch for learning their weekly bible verses during the Kids Explosion Parties. Both weekends went well and the kids had a great time. The weather did not permit us […]
Mark Your Calendars – March 27, 2010
We are planning another silent auction/dinner at New Jerusalem Christian Fellowship this spring. Last year’s benefit was a big success and we expect this year’s to be even better. The dinner this year will be a little different. We have a mystery menu planned. MMMMM!!! what’s up with that??? Come and see what is on […]
Young Travelers – Jan/Feb 2010
We started another Young Travelers group last week. Four boys, Casey, Jonathan, Megal, and Jalen are going to work with the guys in Bill’s shop making leather belts, and wood key chains. As soon as the weather cooperates, we will also take the boys on a trail ride. The boys will come for 8 weeks […]
Saturday Work on the Ranch
With the arrival of Hilbilly Whiz, we needed to build a run-in shed for shelter for him. Saturday, Andre, Julius, and Rufus came out to help. Julius and Rufus helped Paula and I groom horses. Andre helped Bill and Chuck on the shed. Andre was part of our first Young Travelers group. He was able […]
Hilbilly Whiz
Hilbilly Whiz is enjoying his new home. He came last Tuesday and is settling in nicely. Bill took him around the field and showed him all the “scary” stuff out there. He is well mannered and not afraid of anything. He will be a great lesson horse. We are very anxious to start using him. […]