Volunteer Kick Off 2010

Last Saturday we had a volunteer kick off wrangler training and party. We had a beautiful day and the food was great. Thanks to Kathy and Chris for taking care of the food! They all know not to leave me in charge of food!! We have some new wranglers this year, WELCOME to Josh, Sharon, […]

Week Three-Wisdom

Our third week with the Young Travelers girls was great. We worked with the horses and explained all the responsibility involved with caring for them. Even though they may never own a horse, the girls can learn the concept of caring for someone other than themselves. Horses make great examples of many of the concepts […]

Helping Hands – Let’s Dream Together

Our second night with the Young Travelers Girls was a lot a fun. We are starting to get to know the girls and they are getting comfortable with us. This Monday the weather prevented us from using the horses to illustrate Responsibility, so we stayed inside and started working on dream boards. We are cutting […]

First Week-Young Travelers Girls

Monday we started our first girls mentoring group at the ranch. We have 6 girls signed up for this class. Heidi was sick with the flu, hopefully she will be better by next week. We had a great time with them Monday and already know we are going to need Chris’s talking stick during discussion […]

Young Travelers Girls

We are getting ready to start our first Young Travelers class for girls. We will be meeting at the ranch starting May 10th on Mondays for eight weeks. The girls will be making purses/handbags from an original piece of leather. They will then tool them as they personally design them. This shold be a great […]

Getting Ready to Ride

Mondays still continue to be busy at the ranch. We are still mentoring our Young Travelers boys. Johnathan wants to learn all he can about horses. He will be helping us this summer with the kids program. We are having a good time with these kids and I pray that spending time at the ranch […]

Charity Benefit March 27

Wow, we had a great time on Saturday! Many people came to show their support of the Lazy B’s ranch. I think we counted 125 people! Our ranch kids served food and did it with a smile, (I think, I never did eat!) We had about 130 auction items including a lot of artwork from […]

Young Travelers First Real Ride

This Monday was the last day for this group of Young Travelers. The weather was beautiful, so they got to free ride Hilbilly and Oreo. They had a continuous smile on their faces the whole time. We had pizza for dinner, and they created a dream board. They cut pictures out of magazines and glued […]

Young Travelers 1/25/2010 – Wisdom

Tonight the boys continued working on their belts. The adult volunteers are learning a lot too. They are coming along nicely. We talked about wisdom and discussed the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The boys are staring to get engaged in conversation. We are getting to know each other more and having fun together.Take a […]

Young Travelers

This week the boys got a chance to play in the hay! The weather did not permit us to ride, but we got to spend time in the barn. Tonight we talked about forgiving others. It was a really good discussion. These boys really are engaged and very intelligent when it comes to things of […]