Last Monday we started a new group of Young Travelers. We are hosting 4 young men.
It was a great night and looking forward to tomorrow with them. They were assigned the first 4 chapters of the book, “The Young Travelers Gift”, by Andy Andrews.
Tomorrow we will be talking about responsibility. The boys will be assigned a horse that they will have to care for the eight weeks they will be here. The weather does not permit us to do much riding during this time. However, the boys can learn about horses just by taking “ownership” for eight weeks. We have a new mentor who has joined us for Young Travelers. His name is Greg, and he has a lot of wisdom to offer the boys. He works at University of Michigan as a tradesman. He loved working in the shop with the boys. They will be making a belt from a “hunk of hide”, and possibly a wood birdhouse if there is time. Young Travelers has become a favorite program around here. It gives us a chance to get to know the kids and form trusting relationships with them.